Merry Christmas!

12-25-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parish Family,

Whatever our age, perhaps no other event moves us as much as the birth of Jesus Christ. Two parents who, in the providential care of God, and despite so many obstacles (economic, political, social, etc.) find a way to bring their child into the world. To their surprise, he is visited by shepherds and wise men, each telling wonder--filled stories of how they have come to adore this child, having been announced by both angels and a star. St. Luke tells us that Mary "pondered all these things in her heart."Even Mary and Joseph, filled and led by faith, are learning about this child with each new visitor. He is God--with--us, vulnerable as any baby. The one who gave us our hearts now comes to draw our hearts to Him, so that we would be changed and saved. No words I know can speak to us as powerfully as simply gazing upon the scene of our Lord's nativity.

I pray you will be free enough to lose yourself within the true beauty of Jesus' nativity, to feel your humanity being delivered from all lesser concerns, and so to find yourself in the peace and joy of the Holy Family.

Merry Christmas! His love is born for you tonight.

Father Chauncey

Yes, Catholics are called to be evangelical.

09-13-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parishioners,

The Church (that’s you) is called by Jesus Christ to evangelize the whole world. This includes everynation on earth. It also includes our own town, neighborhood, and family, people we see and know.

Two years ago, Pope Francis added his own voice to the preaching and teaching of a long line ofpopes calling all of us to boldly share the joy of connection, our own lives to the life of Jesus Christthe living Lord. This is the Good News to be shared. Indeed, how will people know unless we tellthem? Pope Francis quotes Pope John Paul II to say “if the Church is to fulfill its providentialdestiny, evangelization as the joyful patient and progressive preaching of the saving death andresurrection of Jesus Christ must be your absolute priority.” Wow! “Absolute priority”, those arestrong words.


Yes, Catholics are called to be evangelical.

09-13-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parishioners,

The Church (that’s you) is called by Jesus Christ to evangelize the whole world. This includes every nation on earth. It also includes our own town, neighborhood, and family, people we see and know.

Two years ago, Pope Francis added his own voice to the preaching and teaching of a long line of popes calling all of us to boldly share the joy of connection, our own lives to the life of Jesus Christ the living Lord. This is the Good News to be shared. Indeed, how will people know unless we tell them? Pope Francis quotes Pope John Paul II to say “if the Church is to fulfill its providential destiny, evangelization as the joyful patient and progressive preaching of the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ must be your absolute priority.” Wow! “Absolute priority”, those are strong words.


Farewell to Fr. Paul

08-09-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parish Family,

Father Paul has served Our Lady of the Lake Parish for two years. I am grateful for his kindness, his prayerful spirit, his hard work and his friendship. The priest who currently leads the Society of Saint Thomas the Apostle (the priestly society from southern India to which Father Paul belongs) has called Father Paul to return to him right away. Since the call came while I was away, I was unable to say goodbye to him in person (as were many of you). However, I am grateful to God for Father Paul’s ministry here with us. Let us all remember Father Paul in a prayer of thanksgiving, and ask God to bless him as he continues to respond to his call. Thank you.

Yours in Christ,
Father Chauncey

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

07-26-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Paul Pulimalayil

2 Kings 4:42-44, Ephesians 4:1-6, John 6:1-15

We were meditating during this month about the prophet, starting from Jesus passing on to the disciples and their experience and we come to the final part of that series of meditations. We are brought to the Eucharist. The Prophet is to become the Eucharist. According to Vatican II council Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. This Sunday we begin a five week focus on the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John. The event is packed with meaning. It obviously refers to the Eucharist. The meditation should lead us to a better participation in the Eucharist which will force us to look in to the needs of our brethren.