The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

05-26-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

As I said that I would be sharing spiritual reflection from events and solemnities we celebrate as I take my vacation, today I share with you the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The Easter season is over with Pentecost, which we celebrated last Sunday, and we have returned to the liturgical season of Ordinary Time again. However, today, the first Sunday after the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity which points us to the meditation of the mystery of the Godhead.


Mary and the Pentecost

05-19-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

As I stated in my last Pastor’s Corner, I would be sharing reflections on some Church’s feasts and events during, my vacation, thus this week I wish to share a reflection on Mary’s role on Pentecost today. The Pentecost which we celebrate 50 days after Easter Sunday, taken away from its Jewish origin and significance, is regarded as the birthday of the Church remarkably because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church which took place on that day.


Our Faith on the Ascension of the Lord

05-12-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

As I continue my vacation time outside the parish, I am inspired to keep this Pastor’s Corner active by sharing with you some spiritual reflections on a weekly basis. Most of my write-ups would be focused on the feasts, solemnities, or events in our Church’s calendar.


Month of May - Month of Special Devotion to Mary

05-05-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

When I was growing up as I child, I recall how the beginning of every month of May till the end of May was a great month for me as May Devotion. It is a month of special devotion to honoring Our Mother Mary especially with the recitation of the Rosary and other forms of Marian devotion.


Welcoming First-Time Comers to Our Church with a Smile and Love

04-28-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

A warm welcome is what each of us expects when we visit a new place, a church, party or meet new faces for the first time. Such a warm welcome gives one a sense of love, value, and that feeling of home. Most people do not like to visit a place where they were not welcome, or their presence is not very much appreciated. Giving a warm welcome to a new visitor makes the person feel delighted that he is not in the wrong.


On Witnessing

04-21-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

The last words of John the Evangelist Jn 21:25 are “This is the disciple who is bearing witness to these things and who has written these things, and we know that his testimony is true.” John, in this passage, testifies to the truth of the Risen Lord and Acts 1:8 says, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”


Easter Updates and Upcoming Events

04-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

As we continue our celebration of the Risen Lord, I share with you some Easter updates and upcoming events in the parish.

First, I wish to say a big thanks to everyone who participated in the Charity and Development Appeal of this year. It is amazing to see the effort by many of you to ensure that we reach our goal this year. I wish to announce that we have reached our goal and even exceeded it through your generosity, sacrifices and commitment that this was accomplished. I thank you and pray God’s blessings on every one of you.


Embracing His Divine Mercy

04-07-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

This week I share reflection on Divine Mercy as this Sunday is specially devoted to embracing the Divine Mercy of God. “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” This immortal prayer of Divine Mercy devotion reminds us of the need for God’s mercy in our lives, and ties together the passion of the Lord with the Easter we celebrate. Thus, we are invited today to immerse ourselves in the ocean of divine compassion, to bask in the radiance of the risen Christ, and to be transformed by the power of His mercy.


The Lord Has Truly Risen

03-31-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

Today we celebrate the greatest solemnity of our Faith; the foundation on which our hope and faith as Christian stands. We celebrate and rejoice that Our Lord Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. By rising from the dead, He has defeated the power of death, Satan, evil forces, falsehood, and injustice and took the Glory. God made Him to rise from the dead to prove that He has power over life and death. As Paul would say, “if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and our faith is in vain.” 1 Cor 15:14-15. But because Christ has been raised, we have hope, and our faith is credible and that is what we celebrate. That is the reason we shout Alleluia! Alleluia! Indeed, the Lord has truly risen.


Jesus Humbles Himself Out of Love He Has for Us

03-24-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

The passion narrative gives us an insight of what Jesus suffered for us, especially the love He has for us that made Him endure all the insults and humiliation for our sake. Today’s liturgy does not require a long homily but to allow the events of the passion story to speak directly to us in the silence of our heart. Our meditation is on Jesus’ suffering and death for our sake. He came and gave Himself completely to us by His preaching, miracles and healing and finally of giving Himself in humility on the cross.


Some Highlights for the Holy Week Ceremony

03-17-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

As our Lenten season gradually draws to a close, I wish to communicate to you about Our Holy Week and Easter Celebration which would be good if you take note of some of the changes. Its aim is to update you and keep you informed of the activities at these sacred moments and assist us in deep appreciation of the great mystery of our salvation which has roots in the old tradition of the church.


Journeying Deeper: Exploring the Depths of Prayer

03-10-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

Today, I intend to share a reflection with you on exploring the depth of prayer. It was St. John Damascene who gave that classic definition of prayer, as “the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.” (CCC, no. 2559, citing St. John Damascene, De Fide Orth. 3, 24). The Catechism further tries to reinforce that point when it teaches that prayer is a “vital and personal relationship with the living and true God” (CCC, no. 2558).


A Loving and Obedient Relationship with God Brings Peace

03-03-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

In today’s first reading we are called to a complete obedience and respect for God’s commandment if we are to maintain a good relationship with God and with one another. God’s commandment is designed for our good and when we obey it for what it is, it gives meaning to our lives as the only way we can demonstrate our love for God is to keep His commandments. Thus, Jesus tells us in John’s Gospel “If you love me keep my commandment.” Jn 14:15