Religious Education for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Elementary

The mission of Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church Religious Education program is to partner with families to help build a foundation of faith, from which our families will experience a knowing and loving relationship with God and the Roman Catholic Church.


  • Message/Word: helping families toward a deeper personal understanding of our Catholic faith by providing guided opportunities for families to receive Jesus’ message of love through Scripture, Tradition and History of the Catholic Church.
  • Worship/Prayer: assisting families with spiritual development and prayer by immersing them in a variety of communal prayer and worship experiences that involve people in the sacramental life of the Church.
  • Family: creating a partnership where all family members feel comfortable sharing their time, talents, and faith.
  • Community: nurturing meaningful relationships between families, the parish, and the public and encouraging everyone to take responsibility as leaders in parish and community-wide programs.
  • Service and Justice: empowering families to work for social justice by addressing human suffering, serving those in need, pursuing peace, and defending the life and dignity of all people.

For those children in grades Kindergarten through 5 that need to receive their sacraments (Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation). This year we plan on meeting in the Holy Family Parish Center behind the Church every Wednesday from 4:00-5:00pm.

The Religious Education program fee is $100 annually per family (Scholarships are available, to learn more please call Deacon Patrick at the Parish office number: 928-855-2685).

If you have any questions or concerns, call the Department of Evangelization and Outreach at 928-855-2685.