“My Grace is Sufficient for You” 2 Corinthians 12:9

07-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

As Christians we understand perfectly that grace is an external help given to us by God to help dispose us to virtue and goodness and we do not fail to make recourse to the grace of God in our prayers as a foundational basis of our Christian life and practices. What are we without the grace of God?


A Call to Positive Change & Newness

07-07-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

I continue my reflection with you in this Pastor’s Corner and today, after my summer vacation, I want to share a reflection on what can bring a positive change in our spiritual life. We read how Saul changed to Paul following his Damascus experience of Christ (Acts 9:1-9) and how Christ himself renamed Simon, the head of the apostles, Cephas or Peter (John 1:42), but I really wonder if we have ever thought of the significance of the great change that comes with an encounter with Jesus Christ.