“My Grace is Sufficient for You” 2 Corinthians 12:9

07-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.

Beloved Parishioners,

As Christians we understand perfectly that grace is an external help given to us by God to help dispose us to virtue and goodness and we do not fail to make recourse to the grace of God in our prayers as a foundational basis of our Christian life and practices. What are we without the grace of God?

Last Sunday, we see the apostle Paul recounting a message of affirmation gotten directly from God in response to his request for relief from a particular personal struggle. In our Christian life and struggles, we sometimes find ourselves in a similar situation like Paul, befuddled and perplexed by the inefficiency and futility of our efforts at holiness and pleasing God. God brings us consolation that His grace and strength are more than enough to sustain us through difficulties and challenges. We must find encouragement in these words because it speaks to the idea that even in moments of hardship or uncertainty, there is a greater source of strength and support available to draw upon. It is indeed a comforting reminder of resilience and faith in the face of adversity.

Grace is generally perceived as God’s unmerited favor and love towards us, despite our flaws and sins. Ephesians 2:8-9 speaks of the merits of God’s grace in our lives when it reminds us that “it is by grace you have been saved…” Saint Augustine after his famous conversion wrote a book entitled “The Confessions” where he expressly reiterates that our salvation is a merit of the grace of God infused in our souls. Saint Thomas Aquinas took it up from Saint Augustine to highlight that grace is the free and undeserved gift of God’s presence and assistance given to us for our sanctification (spiritual growth) and salvation. He teaches that grace is necessary for salvation because it heals human nature wounded by sin and enables humans to attain eternal life with God. He further distinguishes between different types or categories of grace into prevenient and sanctifying grace, each serving a specific purpose in the life of a believer. Prevenient grace is the grace that precedes human decision and prepares us to accept and cooperate with God’s call to salvation. It helps to awaken in us a desire for God and a readiness to respond to His invitation to faith. Sanctifying grace is the grace that heals our human nature wounded by sin and restores us to friendship with God. It is infused into our souls at Baptism and continually strengthened through the reception of the sacraments. Aquinas emphasizes the cooperation of human free will with divine grace. Grace does not negate human nature or freedom but rather perfects and elevates it. Through grace, the will is strengthened and enabled to choose the good.

Our Christian vocation consists chiefly in cooperating with the grace of God. Cooperating with the grace of God refers to the active participation of individuals in responding to and working with the divine grace that God offers for their salvation and spiritual growth. Cooperation with grace involves freely responding to God’s invitations and promptings. It means choosing to align one’s will with God’s will and actively participating in the process of spiritual growth and sanctification. What are the ways to cooperate with grace? Engaging regularly in prayer, participating in the sacraments (especially Reconciliation and the Eucharist), and fostering a sacramental life are essential ways to open oneself to God’s grace. Practicing the theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity) and the moral virtues (such as justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude) aligns one’s actions with God’s will and prepares the heart to receive more grace. Actively listening to and meditating on Scripture helps discern God’s voice and promptings in one’s life. Engaging in acts of mercy, charity, and service to others reflects God’s love and helps spread His grace to those in need.

In essence, cooperating with the grace of God involves an active and ongoing response to His invitation to live in communion with Him. It is a journey of faith and discipleship where believers strive to align their lives with God’s will, guided by His grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We must not take the grace of God for granted, rather we must consistently cooperate with it till we attain that required perfection of Christian love and be qualified to attain the beatific vision which is a reunion with God in eternity. May God bless us today and always. Amen.