The Together Campaign

03-31-2019Campaign News

Henri Nouwen, the author of an acclaimed book: A Spirituality of Fundraising offers us at Our Lady of the Lake some advice for our campaign.

“Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission. Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging. When we seek funds, we are declaring: we have a vision that is amazing and exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you - your energy, your prayers, and your money - in this work to which God has called us.”


The Together Campaign

03-24-2019Campaign News

As we begin the campaign we are asking each familyto pray about a 5 year pledge.

For most parishioners this is a manageable way tomake a gift that fits into their budget and allows eachfamily to plan ahead.

About 90% of parishioners who pledge choose amonthly payment plan.

We are hoping that every family would consider a “courageous pledge” and one that will help us build anew school, and a new outdoor gathering space.


Campaign Update Mar 17, 2019

03-17-2019Campaign News

The Together Campaign

People have asked: “Why do we need a Campaign?” “Why are we conducting this campaign with the Diocese?” “I already make an offertory gift when the basket is passed, why would I give to this campaign also?”

Let me simply answer by saying:

  1. We are running out of classroom and meeting space. Our school continues to grow: adding a 2nd grade class in the Fall. Our goal is to add 1 grade each year until we are full K-8 school. The HFPC will become the Early Childhood Center as the older students move into the new classrooms.
  2. Conducting a “combined campaign" with the Diocese has been more than 2 years in the planning. Approximately 20 other parishes have very large building projects like ours. They are also conducting combined campaigns. There are many advantages to this approach.

Commonly asked questions about the Together Let Us Go Forth-Juntos Sigamos Adelante Campaign

03-10-2019Campaign News

Question: What is the difference between the Together Campaign and the annual Charity Development Appeal (CDA)?

Answer: Every diocese in the United States has their own annual Bishop's Appeal to fund ongoing ministries throughout their diocese. Each diocese does this independently. Our annual campaign is called the CDA (Charity and Development Appeal). We announce it every year in early February.


Campaign News and Notes

02-26-2019Campaign News

This weekend marks the beginning of our Campaign Together Let us Go Forth Juntos Sigamos Adelante! Thanks to all those parishioners who gave us feedback back about the campaign goal, the projects and any aspects of our parish community.

The Feasibility Summary Report in last week's bulletin is also available here.

Our goal: $4.4 million for new parish buildings:

  1. a new School building that will include classrooms and offices
  2. a covered Pavilion that can be enclosed in the future if desired

Campaign pledge cards will be available after Mass in the weeks ahead where we will be sharing the 1st drafts of the architectural renderings.