Repent and Turn Back To God

01-21-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

One remarkable feature in Mark’s Gospel is that the first time ever we hear Jesus speak. His words were “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” This shows Jesus came to reconcile us with the father and be at peace with him. Reconciliation and peace are achievable through repentance and belief in Jesus who has come to save us. Similarly, the message of repentance and reconciliation is also what we see in today’s first reading from the book of Jonah. The Lord orders Jonah to go to Nineveh, capital of Assyria and preach repentance to the Ninevites.

The boarding pass into the kingdom of God is “Repentance and Belief.” Repentance here, means to change our way of thinking, our attitude, our disposition, and life choices so that Christ can be the Lord and Master of our heart rather than sin, selfishness, and greed. If we are only sorry for the consequences of our sins, we will very likely keep repeating the same sin that is mastering us. True repentance for sins requires a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17) and sorrow for sin and firm resolution to avoid it in future. The Lord Jesus gives us grace to see sin for what it really is, a rejection of His love and wisdom for our lives and a refusal to do what is good and in accord with His will. His grace brings pardon and help for turning away from everything that would keep us from His love and truth. Are we ready to cooperate with His grace and turn away from sin, selfishness and pride that reject God’s invitation and grace? The moment we make a firm decision to turn away from sin, He welcomes us with open arms.

Jesus’ message of belief and repentance was followed by a call for others to follow Him and He will make them fishers of men. We notice that He chooses simple men of ordinary background to carry on with the work of preaching and service. Jesus wanted ordinary people who could take an assignment and do it extraordinarily well. He chooses these individuals, not for what they were, but for what they would be capable of becoming under His direction and power. In the same way, Jesus wants you to be part of His ministry in bringing people to God. You are God’s instrument, and He is ready to use you to bring other people to God if you are ready to open yourself to Him. He does not call the perfect but calls the imperfect to make them perfect. Just say yes to Him and allow Him to use you and you will be surprised at what gifts you have. He wants others to see the light of Christ in you, in the way you live, speak and witness to others the joy of the gospel.

We conclude with a prayer, “Lord Jesus, you have called me personally by name, just as you called your first disciples, Simon, Andrew, James, and John. Help me to believe your word and follow you faithfully. Fill me with the joy of the gospel that your light may shine through me to others and give me the courage to turn away from sin, and to bring others to you. Amen.” May God bless you and your families and grant you all, at the beginning of this year, peace and good health in your various families.

Fr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.