Jesus is the Star that Guides all Our Lives

01-07-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

Today, being the feast of Epiphany, we celebrate Jesus the incarnate word being revealed to all the nations of the world. The Church calls it, the feast of appearance or manifestation of the Lord. Epiphany comes from the Greek word and means “Manifestation”. The Church celebrates the light of God’s revelation of his Son as human in Jesus Christ. The story of the magi is the story of the ways in which God reveals Himself to us and even more about the different responses and reaction this revelation receives. The Lord of the universe who reveals the star of Bethlehem to the Gentiles of the East gives each one of us the same light of revelation to recognize and accept Jesus as Our Lord and Savior.

Jesus constantly reveals Himself to us in different ways and our reactions vary as the people during the time of Jesus. In today’s feast of the Epiphany, there are three major reactions to the revelation of Jesus. The first person is Herod and the likes of him. His reaction to the news of the revelation of a king born in Bethlehem was the reaction of hatred and hostility. Herod was afraid that this infant king was going to interfere with his life, his place, his power, his influence and therefore the instinct was to destroy him. He should not live because His presence will be a disturbance to Herod’s peace and life. In the same way, when you hear the word of God or receive his message which probes your conscience or challenges your life, what is your reaction to it? Do you kill that message inside you or do you let it die gradually. Do you welcome it with joy and make an effort to change? What is your reaction?

The other group is the reaction of the chief priests and scribes during the time of Jesus. They were also told about the birth of Jesus. Their reaction was that of complete indifference to the news of the birth of a king and a savior. It did not make any slightest difference to them. They were so engrossed in their temple rituals and their legal discussions. They were more interested in their own affairs that Jesus’ birth means nothing to them. What is your reaction as you go through this write up? Are you interested or disinterested in the message of Jesus? Are you concerned with your own affairs that you don’t bother about Christ’s message or His Church? Are you among those so engrossed in their own affairs that you don’t have time to come to Mass on Sunday or come occasionally? Are you among those who come to Mass with eyes on the watch just to leave the Church even before the Mass is over because you are so busy with other private concerns?

Then we come to the last group, the reaction of the wise men from the East. The reaction of adoring worship, the desire to leave everything and seek Him out where He is and worship Him and the desire to lay at the feet of Jesus the noblest gifts which they could bring. These wise men are those who read the signs and stars in nature and according to their astonishing accurate knowledge something great has occurred in the Jewish nation, the birth of a very special king. Thus, we learn from today’s feast that God speaks to us humans not only through the scriptures, the word of His revelation, He speaks also through the book of nature. However, the wise men from the East did not worship the stars; they worshipped the one to whom the star pointed to. The events of nature most often point to us about the magnificent nature of God, and it is this God we should worship and not the nature that reveals the mighty deeds of God.

Finally, the Eucharist and Jesus present in the tabernacle is the same Jesus the wise men found in Mary’s arms. We should examine ourselves to see how we adore Him when we encounter Him at Mass or when He is exposed to us. Do we realize that it is the same Jesus in the tabernacle that we encounter when we come into the Church? Do we worship Him profoundly and give Him due honor when we enter the Church, or do we pay less attention to His presence each time we come into the Church? May this light of God’s revelation fill your family with peace.

Happy New Year!