The Family - A Home Where God’s Grace Dwells

12-31-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo C. S. Sp., V.F.

The summary of the message of the first reading is honor and respect children are obligated to give to their parents. The amazing thing is that this honor to parents, when practiced with love, goes with lots of blessings as stated in the reading. Thus, the author of book of Sirach enumerates these blessings to include:

  1. They will earn great favor of God.
  2. Their prayers would always be listened to.
  3. They would enjoy a long life and be happy with children of their own.
  4. Even if they sinned, they would be forgiven.

In the second reading, Paul encourages us to put on certain virtues as our cloth. These virtues are compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance and forgiveness. As such, love and peace reign in a family where these virtues are practiced by each member of the family. The gospel presents us with Jesus’ presentation in the temple by his parents. The prophecies of Simeon and Anna at that time give credence to the prophetic mission of Jesus. Their prophecies give hope to what Jesus comes to achieve for humanity but not without cross and pain for Joseph and Mary and more especially for Mary the Mother. It gives us an idea of the cross every parent goes through in raising their children. There is no family no matter how holy, lovable, rich or poor that is insulated from problems and difficulties of family life.

However, just as Joseph and Mary found strength in the word of God to navigate through their problems, in the same way can we get through our own problems in our families if we hold firm to the word of God. Any family that allows God to be at the center of their marriage and family life will always be guided wisely despite the tragic situations they find themselves. No matter the love that exists between couples without strong recourse to God and prayers the vicissitudes of daily lives can always crack that love.

Dr. Paul Kelly, an orthopedic surgeon and family counselor, talks of the 7 “C” that every family should imbibe to go through the storms of marriage and family life. The first C Commitment: a lifelong caring for the other and every member of the family. The second C, Communication: a willingness to take time to listen and dialogue and shares ones’ feeling. The third C, Compatibility: ability to get along, adjust and be flexible. The fourth C is Compassion: a capacity to understand weakness and sympathize with failures. The fifth C is Confession: the readiness to sincerely say I am sorry to be reconciled and be forgiven. The sixth C is Conviviality: a sense of humor to laugh, smile and put a little joke and laugh at oneself and make others laugh. The final C Children. They are special gifts from God. But realize that children wear out parents faster than they grow out of their shoes.

I wish all of you and your families God’s peace, blessing and love as we celebrate today’s feast.

Fr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.