Promise and Commitment

10-01-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

Ezekiel’s prophesy in the first reading teaches us the possibility of pardon through repentance for one’s accumulated evils, because God glories in forgiving those who turn back to him, and he ardently desires the salvation of all, but also the risk of losing all the good one has done by returning to doing evil. In the second reading Paul writing to Philippians encouraged them to be united and show their love for each other through humility and service. Christ, who is divine, became man to suffer and die for our salvation. No act of humility on our part can ever rival the humiliation of Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross. Christ willingly took on the role of a servant and allowed himself to be crucified for our sake even though he was innocent of any sin. Then in the gospel of Matthew the parable teaches us that promises can never take the place of performance and fine words are never a substitute for fine deeds.

In our life’s journey some people find it hard to make any promises but once they do, they keep to it and remain steadfast while some others are easily given to making promises but find it hard to keep to the commitment. Most of us find ourselves in either of these. Where do you belong? Are you among those who find it hard to make any promise or are you among those who make a promise but never keeps it?

One other message Jesus gives us in this parable is that salvation is not for those who are perfect but for those who are truly repentant. Redemption is still very much available for those who refused God’s call at the first time. We are assured by the prophet Ezekiel in the first reading that if we change our minds and shift the focus from evil and self, to God and the ways of goodness, then we shall live. However, Ezekiel also issued a warning that refusing to turn toward God will result in death.

The parable of the two sons in Matthew’s gospel also offers both warning and encouragement to those whose initial course in life may be summed up as a “No!” to God’s overtures of love or a detour from God’s grace. The example of the second son invites us to strike out in a new direction. Despite his refusal to do his father’s bidding, the second son regretted his decision and exercised his prerogative to change his mind; as a result, he found himself in blessed accord with his father’s will. However, the elder’s son did not match his decision “I am on my way, sir” with his deeds (“but he never went”). His center of gravity had not shifted; he refused to change his mind; he failed his father. It is an invitation to match our Christian profession of faith with our actions. That is why James in his letter asks, “What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works. Can his faith save him? (James 2:14 and 15)

Those who followed Jesus had taken a different path as a result of Jesus’ ministry. These prostitutes and tax collectors to whom Jesus referred had repented of their sin and come back into union with the will of the Father. They acknowledged their status as sinners and resolved to sin no more. Instead of arrogantly putting their own will and agenda to the forefront, they obeyed the will of the Father through Jesus. Thus, they had moved farther on the path of salvation — even if, as Jesus implies in the parable, they weren’t necessarily enthusiastic about it at first.

Fr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.