God’s Wisdom and the Cross of Jesus

09-04-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp, V.F.

Today’s first reading from the book of Wisdom explains that the things of the earth, which are within our own grasp, are difficult for us humans to comprehend. How then can we grasp the heavenly realities? Solomon in his numerous quests for answers on existential realities posed one fundamental question, who could know divine counsel?

At the end it was clear that it is only those to whom God has given wisdom through the Holy Spirit sent from on high will know God’s counsel. “A major contribution of the Book of Wisdom is the theology of the Holy Spirit. The book characterizes divine wisdom as a person and virtually identities her as the Spirit of God, that is the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit guides us to understand the things within us and beyond and when we open our hearts to the power of the Holy Spirit we are sure to receive enlightenment which guides us to the truth of God. Let us then dispose ourselves to the power of the Holy Spirit that God may reveal Himself more to us.

In the Gospel Jesus teaches that His would be followers must be those who prefer Him to anyone even father, mother, family or children. The second requirement is that one should carry one’s cross and come after Him. The cross was an instrument of execution and torture and to carry one’s cross means that you are on death row. That is to say, only those who prefer Jesus above all other things will be prepared to endure the suffering that discipleship demands. To carry one’s cross means to accept whatever comes to one during his daily life as a Christian. It means to offer every form of adversity, suffering and discomfort that comes to us as Christians unto God. It is not that easy, but with the grace of God we hope to succeed. This demands that God becomes the priority of our life. When God becomes our overall priority in life, then we can sacrifice anything for His sake. Is God your priority? What is it that stands between you and the love you have for God?

Fr. Tony Okolo C.S.Sp., V.F.