Jesus Heals our Individual Leprousy

02-14-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp

The first reading presents us with the agonizing condition of a leper who must be declared unclean by Aaron the priest when the signs like a scab, or pustule or blotch appear on the body of the person. While in the Gospel Jesus heals a leper who begs Him for healing. According to the Mosaic Law it is the priest who declares an individual a leper when certain signs appear which makes the individual unclean and unfit to be part of a community. Whenever the person is cured it is also the priest who certifies the person clean and able to be welcomed back into the community.

It is in line with this understanding that Jesus in the Gospel after He has cured the leper instructs him to go and show himself to the priest as his recognition of the Mosaic Law. To go and present oneself to the priest after a miraculous healing has taken place is an invitation to go and offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God before the priest. Leprosy is a kind of disease that destroys the individual physically, separates a person from family and community and makes the person unfit even to join a religious celebration. It diminishes the worth of a person as it alienates the person from family and friends and oneself as well.We can look at leprosy as anything that destroys our human life, separates us from family members, friends and religious community. This calls for a thorough examination of conscience and see those things that diminish our self-worth, separate us from family and community especially our religious community and asks God to heal us of those things.

On the other hand, Jesus in the Gospel does not move away from the leper as recommended by the Mosaic Law but comes with healing and a compassionate heart to restore and heal the leper. By touching the man Jesus has already made Himself unclean, however, He comes as a suffering servant to carry our infirmities to Himself. By touching this man He takes unto Himself the shame of this man to Himself so as to liberate him and make him whole. His attitude towards this leper is evidence of His approach to heal the human society of its leprosy which is seen in different aspects of the society. His attitude is equally a response on how He identifies with the sufferings of the people, those marginalized and rejected by the society. The man himself demonstrates to us his belief in the power of Jesus to heal and cure him, at the same time acknowledges his own affliction. We need to have a solid and strong faith in the healing power of Jesus to experience His miracle. We need to acknowledge our own afflictions and come to Jesus with humility to be restored to wholeness of life.

Today in our world with the development in medicine, science and technology massive improvements have been made towards physical ailments like leprosy and other types of physical illnesses that affect us physically but there are other kinds of leprosy confronting our society today which our development in science has not cured. Today’s leprosy include too much unbelief in the world, selfishness, materialism, culture of death and much interest on pleasure. Our development in science and technology instead of helping us address these issues have rather widened the sickness. The good news is that, just as Jesus was moved with compassion when the leper in the Gospel approached Him so is He willing to cure us of our own leprosy if we approach Him with humility. When we approach Him recognizing our own affliction, helpless in the face of these societal sicknesses, He would heal us. Let us come to Jesus with total faith and He will heal us. Happy Sunday to all of you and May the Good Lord bless you and your families.