
11-12-2017Weekly ReflectionDeacon Mike Woiwode

In the first reading, we are given a description of what we are to do with Wisdom. So, what does the word Wisdom mean to you and I? Is it like a profound form of knowledge? Is it something that automatically comes with age? They say "With age comes wisdom." How does wisdom benefit us? What is the true source of Wisdom? What does Wisdom, in a biblical setting, refer to? These arequestions we must find answers to because our relationship with God depends on it!

Wisdom is a gift within the Word of God. It is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 1:17-18, we read "May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, grant you a spirit of wisdom and insight to know Him clearly". We must seek Wisdom. So, what is the definition of Wisdom? It is the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience,knowledge, and good judgment. Wisdom gives us insight to make Godly decisions.

We could compare Wisdom to a three legged stool. The stool is Wisdom, waiting to interact with us. If we remove any leg from the stool, the stool will not be able to remain standing. We need to useall three legs in order to gain the insights needed to understand the spirit of the Word of God.

Lets take a look at each of these three legs, or aspects of Wisdom, starting with Knowledge. In order for us to understand anything, we must have some level of knowing: What it does, how it does it and why it does it, then we can determine how to use it. We must do the same with God's Word. We must have knowledge of: What the Word of God does, (draws us to Him), how His Word does it, (through His Son and the Bible) and why His Word does it, (so we can, in return, love Him and be with Him). How well do we know God? Do we only know He exists? Even Satan knows that! Do we know what God wants from us? Do we know what God wants for us? How much do we loveHim? Is it with all our heart, soul and mind? It is hard to love someone if we barely know them.

The second leg, Experience: Is God a god that is watching us from afar, disconnected from us? Do we feel Him in our daily lives, loving us, guiding us, supporting us, and protecting us. Is He in the heavens but not in our life? Experiencing God is a powerful way of knowing God. The best way for us to truly experience God in our hearts is through works of charity, mercy and loving ourneighbors. We need to treat others in the same ways we want God to treat us.

Last, but not least, the last leg of the stool: Good Judgment. To do this, we must surrender our will to the will of God. Our will is a free will, but it was broken through sin. For if our will, is truly to be a free will, we must let God's will take precedents over our will. God's will can only do good. So the more our will becomes like God's, the freer it is. Sins activity in our will is not a freedom, but a slavery, and it is not life but death. Freedom is the ability to choose what is right. And Wisdom enhances that freedom. You see, in order for the leg of good judgment to hold up the stool, God'sWord, it needs the other two legs so the Word of God can stand strong in our lives.

Our knowledge of God tells us that we must discipline ourselves to obey the Word of God. This is the first step in Wisdom. Wisdom 6:11 says, "Desire therefore my Words; long for them and youshall be instructed." Wisdom 6:20 says, "The desire for Wisdom leads up to a Kingdom, Heaven!"

  • May God bless us with the gift of Wisdom.
  • Deacon Mike Woiwode